Carbon Steel / 12L14 LEDLOY

12L14, often referred to as Ledloy, is a standard resulfurized and rephosphorized free machining carbon steel. Lead is added to this steel to increase machinability, which also means it can be bent, riveted and crimped. The extra ductility and machinability leads to the material being slightly weaker than its comparable carbon steel alloys. Our 12L14 carbon steel is purchased to meet chemistry requirements rather than physical requirements. For that reason, physical properties are generally not provided unless requested prior to production. The material can be sent to a third party by the purchaser after production to be tested for physical properties, but the material is not rejectable upon these test results. Ledloy is often used in high-speed screw machine products and other high-speed machines. (UNS G12144)

Chemical Makeup

Element Min Max
Manganese, Mn 0.8 1.2
Carbon, C - 0.13
Sulfur, S 0.2 0.33
Phosphorous, P 0.04 0.09
Iron, Fe 97.91 98.7
Lead, Pb 0.15 0.35

Common Applications

  • Industrial Industrial
  • Aerospace Aerospace


  • Great Machinability
  • Good Ductility

We stock 12L14 LEDLOY to the following specifications:


Click on a cross-section to see the sizes we stock:

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